We offer COVID-19 antibody and swab testing for past and active infection, Click here to learn more

Getting tested is one of the few things you can do right now to be more in control and aware of your health. If you decide to get tested for COVID at our clinic, here are some things to know before going into your testing appointments:

Step 1: Telemedicine Appointment

First, you will have a telemedicine appointment with one of our providers. This will help give the results you get later some context. Before your telemedicine appointment:

1. Be aware of any symptoms you may have now or have had recently. Many people who tested positive for COVID-19 showed minimal symptoms, so noticing something as slight as Anosmia, the temporary loss of your sense of smell, is an important thing to notice, note, and tell your doctor. Symptoms to look for include fever, fatigue, headaches, sore throat, muscle pain, and shortness of breath. Know when you experienced those symptoms and how long they lasted.

2. Remember if you have been around anyone who has been sick. There are now hypotheses that the virus entered the United States earlier than we originally thought. You don’t need to recall each and every sneeze going back to January, but think about if you visited any sick friends or family, even if it was before the outbreak really took off.

3. Learn about the different kinds of tests. We are offering two different tests at our clinic. First, we have an Oropharyngeal swab test. This tests if you have an active case of COVID, and it is performed by taking a simple swab from the mouth, similar to a strep test. The other test is the Abbott Diagnostics IgG antibody blood test, which will check if you have the COVID antibodies. This test shows if you have been infected in the past, and is most accurate after some time has passed. The provider will help you decide which combination of tests is best for you.

Step 2: In-Person Visit

Now it’s time for the actual test. We strive to maintain social distancing practices because your health is our priority. With that in mind, before you head into our office at Murray Hill:

4. Wear a Mask. Wearing a mask – that covers both your mouth and your nose – reduces the spread of the virus, and keeps you and others safe. In addition, as Governor Cuomo discussed in his daily briefing on May 12th, “Wearing a mask is not just a way of protecting yourself; it’s a sign to others that you respect them and their health!”

5. Prepare Yourself for the Respective Test. As is for all medical tests you take, don’t be too nervous. Specifically, there have been reports of the swab test being painful; this explains why we opted for the mouth test instead of the throat test because it is much less unpleasant. As for the blood test, there is no need to wear any special clothes beyond being able to roll up your sleeve, and there is no need to fast beforehand.

6. Follow Social-Distancing Guidelines. We have reconfigured our clinic to maximize social distancing and limit your contact with others. Be aware of some slight modifications we have made: red tape on the ground designating where you can sit or stand, chairs moved several feet apart from each other, and other small changes. Please be prepared to follow our guidelines to stay safe, keep other patients safe, and keep our staff safe.

It is totally acceptable to feel overwhelmed. It was only about 2 months ago when we were just entering quarantine and were told that there was a massive testing shortage. Thankfully, New York acquired the proper resources so that we can get tested, so the time to get tested is now.

Schedule a COVID-19 testing appointment with us today by clicking the button below, or by using the “Make an Appointment” button at the top of the page.