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With extensive training and experience in the field of nutrition, our nutritionists have a deep understanding of the latest research and trends, and are committed to providing personalized and evidence-based recommendations. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health, manage a chronic condition, or simply learn more about healthy eating habits, our nutritionists are here to support you every step of the way.

Get ready to say goodbye to bland salads and hello to delicious and nutritious meals, because our team of top-notch nutritionists is here to shake things up! These experts have all the knowledge to turn even the most stubborn taste buds into fans of healthy eating. And don't worry, they're not just all about preaching the benefits of broccoli, they've got some fun up their sleeves too. Think of them as your own personal cheerleaders for all things nutrition. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment and get ready for a tasty adventure in healthy eating!

Frequently Answered Questions:

NO! We need carbohydrates as part of a healthy diet for energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals. What’s most important about carbohydrate consumption is the kinds of carbohydrates you choose and how much you are eating. 

Everyone is different, so there is not specific diet that is best for you. HOWEVER, it is safe to say that the best diet for you is one that is balanced with healthy proteins, carbs, fats, veggies and fruit and a diet that you can sustain for life, and not just a short term. 

We all crave foods for different reasons – some crave junk food when they are low on energy, emotional or stressed. It’s important to figure out why you are craving these foods to help stop craving them. In general, the best way to stop cravings is to stay fueled through the day with healthy meals and snacks, aim for 6-8 hours of sleep, drink water through the day and surround yourself with healthy foods to avoid going for the junk food. 

That is totally up to you!!! Everyone chooses to cut out meat for their own reasons and dietitians support any reason you have for that. However, it is still important to make sure you are getting plant based protein through your day and having a well balanced diet. 

No, do you not NEED breakfast. However Breakfast is a great way to start your day with important nutrients to help keep you fueled through the day. Some people are not as hungry in the morning and that is fine as long as you are not ravenous by the time you get to lunch time!