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With the natural aging process, cells lose their ability to produce their youthful component. Physicians at Bethany Medical Clinic can help patients in New York, New York rejuvenate skin to its youthful appearance using Botox.

Frequently Asked Questions

Botox consists of the Clostridrium botulinum bacteria, which is a neurotoxin. It corrects the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Botox is given via an injection directly into the muscles or nerves.

Usually, it only takes a few days before the patient sees results from a Botox injection. Some patients may not see the results for up to two weeks, though.

Generally, the results last anywhere from three months to six months.

It’s possible to receive another injection after the results of the procedure wear off.

The most common side effect is pain around the injection site. It’s also possible for the patient to experience swelling or irritation around the site. Bruising around where the injection was given is possible, and some patients may develop an infection. Other side effects include dizziness, flu-like symptoms, difficulty swallowing, and temporary paralysis or numbness of the area. Muscle weakness, headache or a respiratory infection is possible. The patient may experience double vision, drooping or swollen eyelids, dry eyes, eye irritation or a reduction in the number of times that she or she blinks. The patient might experience a sensitivity to light. It’s possible for the patient to have a serious allergic reaction that causes difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or tongue, or a rash. The neuroprotein may travel to other portions of the body and cause life-threatening problems.

The patient should tell the patient if he or she has any allergies. Additionally, it’s important for a patient to tell the doctor if he or she has a medical history consisting of bleeding problems, seizures, urinary tract infections, heart disease, seizures, difficulty breathing or swallowing, emphysema, or aspiration-type pneumonia.


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